Friday, October 24, 2014

Doing ethnography right

For one of our classes, the prof sent us to go and observe people and make notes. Some excerpts from mine:

I was sitting next to D, who was writing rather intently.

"Jealous of D and D's focus. Why can't I be like that? Also, hand is cramping a lot. Maybe I am getting carpal tunnel? Note: Google exercises."

"Can see Prof. B in a meeting room. Last class was hilarious. Strategic mapping can be funny and useful apparently."

"Just saw M and B upstairs with a hawk eye view. Jealous of them now. Why didn't I think of this. Tried to make eye contact but think they are ignoring me."

"How are these people not noticing us creepily looking at them and making notes. This is why I am paranoid."

"Have never seen a grad student wearing sports shorts to school. Must be an undergrad thing."

"Admirable how blatantly everyone ignores 'This space is reserved for an event sign'. Go students and subversiveness."

I think I may need some practice before I get this right.

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