Friday, March 27, 2015

Modern Indian Woman?

Results of a quick Google search
I've often wonder about what the term 'modern Indian woman' means, especially as modern can still be said with a hint, if not an overtone of derision. I have often heard the statement 'you are too modern' being thrown around, with the intent to insult and hurt. Often I've heard the modern used as a 'trait', 'an attitude', which women need to phase out as they grow older (read: arrive at a marriageable age).

Is the term destined to be in the realm of confused identities? I can see the confusions and the worries, what I sometimes can't see is the joy. Where is the joy, the meaning, the hope in this identity? At the moment, it seems to be caught in two worlds, the 'old' and the 'new', the 'Indian' and the 'Western', essentially a place of easy dichotomies and difficult understandings. Does it imply at its core, an eventual progression towards some sort of concession, a giving-up of sorts, a compromise that we were born with in our double X chromosomes? I have and continue to live in that in-between space, both at home and as I travel through the world. Every time someone wants me to explain myself (not the self you see, but my Indian self), I feel that confusion coursing through my veins. I have lots more to think about, to reflect on and hopefully write about at some point. But for now, I hope the links below (the result of a quick Googles search) gives you some food for thought.

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