Sunday, August 12, 2018

And suddenly its August

Chicago evenings

It has been a while hasn't it? To be fair, between April and now, things have been very uncertain (more so than in general) and so I was mostly focused on existing, ping ponging between stress and coping, stress and coping, mostly unhealthy ways of the latter. I honestly don't remember much until early July for what it is worth, although I know a lot happened. I was out at a park with a friend today and this was around 8:30 pm -- the days are getting shorter and summers are coming to an end. My fourth summer in Chicago, if you can believe it. I can hardly believe it.

he Office Pop Up bar
I've hardly traveled, except to Minneapolis, to take an IELTs exam (yay colonial questioning of my English language skills at every life step!). Going back reminded me of why I never want to go back. It is too small for me and without a car, not an easy city. The Office had a popup bar at Replay and it was meh.. I was very excited, but oh well. Remind me to tell you about an immersive play I saw another time. What I would have liked to try at this bar would be a Michael Scott drink with Splenda but I was not that brave. I've been constantly gaining weight and so now I am trying to exercise more and eat less and I am not sure that I am doing either consistently but I am done growing clothes sizes and seeing myself in the mirror and being surprised by myself. Daily.

I finally bought an electric kettle for my desk and I now drink copious amounts of tea during the day. I also did a seven day coffee detox a little while ago and so the tea-drinking is a result of that. I've been making my own lunches and so have had to get quite a bit better at what I make. A friend gave me her old bike and I've gotten around on that a fair bit, including for groceries. I enjoy that. As I write this disjointed piece, it is almost midnight on a Sunday and if I stop and think about the upcoming week I think of how many impossible things I must swallow before breakfast. On that note, later!

Weights from a wellness plan rewards program

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