Sunday, September 23, 2018

Almost October

 Last week was oddly stressful. There was a surprise meeting with no details and that is never a good sign. This however was a an appreciation meeting, all the more reason for people to use the details section of a calendar invite but oh well.

I do puzzles almost each night, a little bit, it works very well for my brain. This is a 1000 (minus one lost piece) puzzle that I just finished. After this, the big pieces of a 500 piece puzzles seems inelegant and bulky.

I visited a Little Friendly Library (actually two) for the first time. I love the idea, the selections were...meh but that means zilch. I am glad they exist. I have been reading a lot more lately, partly because I bike to the local library some weekends (my bike rides are more fun if I have a purpose such as groceries or books)

Food (and exercise) have become more and more relevant in my life -- mostly because of an unprecedented and unanticipated weight gain that was a rude shock. It has helped me with my mood and energy and honestly my finances as well. I have noticed I eat for my moods more than hunger and knowing that has made portion control easier. Cutting down on sweet things is what has been the hardest but to be fair, wolfing down a jar of Nutella was doing me no favors. Above is a chicken and avocado lunch I had over the weekend. I now actually eat what I cook which has been...five years coming.

Every time I go to this Ramen place, I do this -- they have a one way mirror inside the bathroom. Who does that?!?!

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