Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Toss It

Settling in means I've been trying new bus routes, taking walks around the neighborhood, even chilling with my new flatmates one evening. I had Grace and Frankie on in the background and I am so impressed with Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin - those ladies are rocking the seventies. There was a baby-birthing scene so inaccurate, it drew a lot of scorn from me. She said and I quote "I think the baby is in my pants" and then there really was a baby in her pants and all of this happened in a few minutes, with her mostly standing. Seriously.

I skipped grocery shopping today (general disinclination but also delayed paycheck due to delayed start date and the financial perils of life) and thus decided to get creative with cooking, especially because I did not want to give into the temptation that was a Ramen packet in my cupboard.

Here's my recipe for  what turned out to be a super delicious early dinner, in case there is someone on the same learning curve for cooking as me and on this blog looking for recipes (so basically, no one, but humor me). I basically thought about what I could cook with the limited ingredients I had during the entire bus ride home.

Heat some olive oil. Slice some potatoes. Chop some onions and carrots. And some tomatoes and gingr. Place the sliced potatoes in the oil - burn your wrist a little with the oil splatter, curse, resume. Have a nice podcast on, perhaps something appropriate like the Splendid Table. Give them (the potatoes, not podcasts) a few minutes, add the ginger, onions and carrots. Throw some salt and red chili powder and mix things up. Maybe add spice mix. Finally throw in the tomatoes. Cook for 8-10 minutes. Turn on Netflix for company. Discover you have finished Netflix. Watch How I Met Your Mother and continuously curse yourself for watching this nonsense (seriously, so, so bad. So bad). Eat, get distracted by a million things and momentarily forget you are in a new city. Rinse, repeat, if not daily, then at least weekly.

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