There was a giant party going on with music and children and puppies and families. I saw fewer folks out in running/walking gear and perhaps that's just a reality of moving away from a fitness conscious place like the Twin Cities. The sun didn't come out but it wasn't cold either. It was strange weather, with nothing to feel, except perhaps muggy. Is it possible for a person to feel muggy? It is a Sunday evening and I am both excited about the week starting and marveling sadly at how fast this weekend went by. I spent pretty much all of it at home and it still flew. I've seen half of two non-English films - they were not compelling enough to be watched in one go. There is so much pending paperwork, it is an automatic sedative. It has been forever since I went to a theater to see a movie. I can sleep endlessly as always. Maybe that is my superpower? I don't see what the fuss about The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (even as I've seen all of season 1, all I feel is irritated) is but the season end of Orange is the New Black was pretty dramatic. I do miss having something humorous that is not necessarily dark (such as Frasier) because that rings too close to life.
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