Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Frozen Turkey Bowling and Other Life Sports

That thing that says O'Hare, does it 
have a name? Is it just a display sign? 
I want it to be more

I jokingly ask a friend, if this will be the thing that changes my life and makes me more organized (the thing in this case being a padfolio with multiple compartments and a pullout binder). I want to believe it will be but as my friend says, probably not, but it's worth the hope. To which I say, hope should not cost 30 bucks. Really.

I could go on and on in this vein, telling you about all the wonderful things I am convinced will change my life. Perhaps you will wearily sigh, having been here yourself. I am an adult but I am definitely not adult enough. This is also not the month where I pause at notions of adulthood (because let's be honest, when I actually turn closer to 30, it is VERY possible I will be crying into a (many) cocktail and my wonderful flatmate will be carting me home, while doing a Sheldon with there, there. I wouldn't mind if someone sang me soft kitty, it would make me laugh). Let's pause at that bridge once we actually get there.

Maybe we could talk about pee? My time in Chicago trains is oddly tangled with pee. I've walked into pee puddles, I have DEFINITELY sat in dried pee. But last week, it got better. Someone actively peed in a very crowded train compartment. It was...smelly. It was quite bad and had the train not been so crowded and I not had an appointment, I would have gotten down. People started covering their noses, making faces, widening their eyes, sniffing quietly at their neighbors. All the polite commuter reactions. For five seconds, I was convinced it was the man sitting next to me (that is the sort of thing that would happen to me. I won't win the lottery or get a free trip but the person sitting next to me in a train has a high probability of peeing). It wasn't. It was an interesting start to the Friday evening (which involved free shots. There should be an age after which free shots should be illegal - world problems solved. Boom!)

The weather's kinda sorta off, I'm kinda sorta off-kilter and all of this to say, I haven't run in a few days. I would like to. There's a long weekend coming up and the best part of the long weekend is that a friend of a friend, who is also becoming my friend, is throwing a Galantine brunch (think Leslie Knope, Parks and Recreation). Now that makes me happy and less doubtful that I'm living the wrong life. This sort of stuff in my life is exactly what I want.

I started watching the Mindy project, and found it quite...excruciating. I'm told it gets better but as of now, all I could see was a brown person perpetuating all the stereotypes. So woot, woot for brown girl represent on TV, but I'm not sure what's being represented here? Also that white guy who keeps asking her to wear form-fitting clothes, I'm sure he is out there, everywhere, but still, to bring him into our lives. I recall reading a piece a while back analyzing the show and what it does (and not) for women of color/South Asian heritage and I need to go pull that out. Basically it also talks about the catch-22 about being a(any) minority with a television audience most interested in lapping up the most popular stereotypes. All of this is very tiring.

Also, if you missed it, an Indian man is suspected to be the first recorded death from a meteorite. Another morbid story is about Chris Kubbeck, a television reporter who committed suicide on television, an unprecedented act - in so many ways, including sadness.

Frozen turkey bowling is a thing in Bemidji and now I'm asking our friends why I missed out on this life-changing experience when we visited.

What this post should also tell you that my attention and focus are pretty much what they were a while ago - non-existent, except for work-related things.

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