Saturday, July 5, 2014

Grumpy updates

I know I am sick because:

a. Two cups of the best cold coffee I have ever had (after my mother's) still couldn't keep me awake and my naps have been going on through the night and the day

b. I can't stay awake to even watch television

I must be really sick :p. We leave early on Monday and I can't decide whether to work over the weekend but risk being too ill/exhausted to travel or to rest and be ready to leave and be engaged in the activities of next week. I have also decided to blame being sick on the stress of last week (most of which I see as unnecessary). This is not to worry anyone, I am mostly fine, eating, I have people to reach out to if needed. I feel bad about being sick and not being able to work, travel or do anything. Oh well, it isn't the worst thing that could happen.

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