Saturday, May 24, 2014

Books? Lists? Currently out of things to do?

Since I can't sleep, I have to do something. What could be more fun than making lists? Of late, I have been meaning to read but haven't managed to as much. I was just thinking about all the fantastic books I had read in the last year. In no particular order, here's a list in pictures:

So good, I remember not being able
to put it down and crying. I remember being on a flight to Minneapolis last year
and the lady next to me remarking on how good the book was.

This is a twisted, thrilling story
and I can't wait to read it again. Her next book is also
out and I want to get that too.

Again, twisted really is the way to describe
this novel. But oh so gripping. 

I really enjoy graphic novels and I found this by
chance in the U of M shelf and really liked it!

This is my all time favorite book about magic and the circus
and I can only think of sublime as an apt word to describe it.
I read it twice last year.

I also miss my book club and wish I could find one that would work online and another one in Minneapolis, because it is a lot of fun to be in one.

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